Úgy tűnik, hogy május 10-ig még van esély megtekinteni az üvegházakat.
Szerintem menjünk vasárnap.
Bővebb ino: http://www.opt.be/informations/events_laeken__visit_the_royal_greenhouses_in_laeken/en/E/19305.html
Úgy tűnik, hogy május 10-ig még van esély megtekinteni az üvegházakat.
Szerintem menjünk vasárnap.
Bővebb ino: http://www.opt.be/informations/events_laeken__visit_the_royal_greenhouses_in_laeken/en/E/19305.html
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 10:11 AM
Subject: Message from the Security Directorate - 28 April. Big demonstration in the European quarterand inform any visitors or participants in meetings being held in the concerned Commission buildings. 28 April. Big demonstration in the European quarter
The Brussels police has informed us of a demonstration taking place on Tuesday 28 April which will make it difficult to access certain Commission buildings between 14:00 and 17:00h. Around 10.000 European students will protest in Brussels including the European Quarter against the Bologna Process ("décret de Bologne"). The demonstration will start at 14:00h at "Bld. Albert II" and continue via "Bld. jardin botanique" - "Rue de la Loi" - " Av. d'Auderghem" ending at "Av. de la Joyeuse Entrée" (at the Entrance of the "Parc du Cinquantenaire").
According to the police violent actions of a small group of participants cannot be excluded. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the advice issued to staff on security during demonstrations
Please regularly consult the IntraComm website for updates on the situation.
Stephen Hutchins
Director of the Security Directorate
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14:39.52 > Séta a buszmegállótól az irodába. Le is hagytam a 38-ast, többször.
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