2010. május 5., szerda

Iskolai droghelyzet

… mert helyzet az van … :)

Ezt írta az Igazgató Úr:

"Dear parents,

One of the aims of our Health, Social and Personal Education programme is
to sensitize our students to the risks involved in drug consumption. 

During the last few weeks the school management has received information
from several sources about the extent of drug use among students,
particularly in the 6th year.

Based on the evidence we had at our disposal, an action by the police of
Uccle and the drugs prevention unit was carried out this morning, periods 2
and 3. 

The police did not find any drugs on the school premises. However, the
police dogs identified 15 students who had traces of drugs (mainly
cannabis). All these pupils were interviewed individually by the police and
he school will inform their families about the matter. 

As Director I hope that this action proves beneficial to our students and
sends them a clear message: "it is forbidden to bring to school, distribute
at school, use in school or enter school under the influence of any drug"
(School Policy).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and the
students who were involved in the operation for their patience and
understanding, and the Uccle Police for their continuing support in our
efforts to ensure that this is a 'drug-free' school. 



Vagyis, kaptak füleseket a hatodikosokról (felső tagozat) és kihívták a rendőröket, de azok nem találtak cuccot senkinél, viszont 15 "gyermek" esetében bejelzett a kutya, ahogy írja a diri "főleg cannabis" nyomokat … szóval itt sem tiszta a helyzet teljesen.

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