2007. július 11., szerda

FW: Ask for information - 2

És itt a folytatás ... kicsit hosszú, de - azt hiszem - elég jól bemutatja a Belgacomot (és engem is). Mindketten elég idegbetegek voltunk az ügyintézővel ...

From: O. Attila (TAXUD)
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 5:40 PM
To: 'charles.gueho@belgacom.be'
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your message and your kind help in arranging the technician.
As I stated earlier I will wait for the technician on 19/07/2007 between 08:00 and 12:00.
Attila O.

From: charles.gueho@belgacom.be [mailto:charles.gueho@belgacom.be]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 4:40 PM
To: O . Attila (TAXUD)
Subject: RE: Ask for information


It's also a big organisation problem for us to give you priority before our other customers. We give u the best we can do….

The technician is asked to come at your place between the period mentioned but if there is always a possibility of delay… the technician have a lot of interventions to do in a day:

And in your case, we ask a technician to take in his daily orders more than normally, especially to help you.

If you are not ok with this, I prefer to ask you to cancel your order now and to bring back immediately the material valued at more than 200 euros!!!!

Best regards.

Charles Guého
Sales Representative

Fixed Line services operations
Sales & Customer Service
Tél + 32 2 3491029
Fax +32 2 3491036


From: Attila.O.eu
Sent: 11 July 2007 15:20
To: charles.gueho@belgacom.be
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Dear Sir,

Please consider it accepted although it is quite a hard organizational problem for me to have half a day "lost".

Please be informed that should the technician not arrive between the period you mentioned I consider myself to be entitled for a compensation of not less than 500 EUR (Five Hundred Euros) - in order to compensate the loss of my salary and also for non-material losses I suffer from this case.


Attila O.

From: charles.gueho@belgacom.be [mailto:charles.gueho@belgacom.be]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 3:16 PM
To: O . Attila (TAXUD)
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Dear Sir,

I have call again the technical service, they will send you the technician the 19/07 between 8h00-12h00.

We can't do better sir,

I am very sorry.

Hope would be ok?

Best regards

Charles Guého
Sales Representative

Fixed Line services operations
Sales & Customer Service
Tél + 32 2 3491029
Fax +32 2 3491036


From: Attila.O.eu
Sent: 11 July 2007 14:41
To: charles.gueho@belgacom.be
Cc: tb.uccle@belgacom.be
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your kind response, although it is far from satisfacory. I do not have a whole day to spend waiting the technician to do a 15 minutes job. Please be so kind to specify a maximimum of 90 minutes period when the technician is presumably arrives.

I do sorry but I do not have the possibilty to stay away from the office for more than 3 hours - it still costs my extra time to compensate a leave this long.

Should it be not possible to specify the arrival time of the technician within the above mentioned limits I am requesting you (now the third times) to provide me the access addresses of the complaint department, and the Consumer Protection organization. I also need the address of your branch's supervisory body.

Please also do inform me about the contractual obligation of mine, requesting me to stay a whole working day at the location of the future service, at the day of the set up of the service. Please provide as exact references as possible.

Please be inform me about the possibilities how your company is about to compensate me for all this mental harassment. I think it is far more than it should be in a normal situation. In my opinion a maximum of three working days wait is acceptable for the initialization of service. Is there any specific term in the General Conditions of the Contract? Could you please provide my the the General Condition by email, or is accessible via Internet?

My proposal is that if your esteemed company needs a person to be at the location for a whole day, than the technician should come on 16/07/2007 or 17/07/2007 when a member of my family will be at my apartment - or (as I wrote above) please give a more specific period.

I am looking forward to your kind response.


Attila O.

From: charles.gueho@belgacom.be [mailto:charles.gueho@belgacom.be]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:06 PM
To: O . Attila (TAXUD)
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Dear sir,

I'll just have an answer from my boss,

We can come to activate your line on the 19/07/2007 during the day.

The technician will come between 8h00- 16h30 .

Thank you for your comprehension.

Charles Guého
Sales Representative

Fixed Line services operations
Sales & Customer Service
Tél + 32 2 3491029
Fax +32 2 3491036


From: Attila. O .eu

Sent: 11 July 2007 14:02
To: charles.gueho@belgacom.be
Cc: tb.uccle@belgacom.be
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your response. Please understand me. My neighbours on the very same floor have Belgacom line - as it was seen in the shop on 07/07/2007, so I do NOT understand why does it take a month to set up services in my apartment.

Please give me the accessibility of your complaints department, I need to inform them about this absurd situation.

Please also give me the accessibility of the Consumer Protection organization, as I think it is a very interesting case for them too.


Attila O.

From: charles.gueho@belgacom.be [mailto:charles.gueho@belgacom.be]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 1:57 PM
To: O . Attila (TAXUD)
Subject: RE: Ask for information


I understand your disappointment, but it's the period of holidays and the number of technicians is reduced at this time.

I have sent again a mail to my boss to explain the situation; I hope to have a solution before Friday….

If it's not possible I'll cancel your order. But then it will be fine if you can bring me back the material.

I'll give you some news before Friday.

Best regards.

Charles Guého
Sales Representative

Fixed Line services operations
Sales & Customer Service
Tél + 32 2 3491029
Fax +32 2 3491036


From: Attila.O.eu
Sent: 11 July 2007 13:01
To: charles.gueho@belgacom.be
Cc: tb.uccle@belgacom.be
Subject: RE: Ask for information
Importance: High

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your response, although there must be some misspelling in the date.Did you mentioned the EIGHTH month of this year, or is the year still flexible, it could be up to 2010 or more? Almost one month from now? I might have to cancel my application and look for an other service provider. Please inform me about the cancellation procedure as I do NOT want to wait till 03/08 - even if it is in this year.

Please find a better date, possibly in this week, or next week at the latest.

Please also give the email address of Belgacom Complaint Department or whoever is entitled to manage complaint about the non-service of future clients.

Sorry for all the inconvenience I might cause to you, but you should understand that after signing up on 07/07/2007 it seem quite absurd to wait one month in the 21st Century in this part of the world. If I was at the North Pole I might understand a long waiting time like that, but please help me to have access to the world this week.

Very best regards,

Attila O .

From: charles.gueho@belgacom.be [mailto:charles.gueho@belgacom.be]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 11:56 AM
To: O . Attila (TAXUD)
Subject: RE: Ask for information

Yes there is development….. but for the moment I have a technician for opening of the line 03/08 !!!!! so I have sent an email to the technical service to find a solution before but still waiting answer.

Charles Guého
Sales Representative

Fixed Line services operations
Sales & Customer Service
Tél + 32 2 3491029
Fax +32 2 3491036


From: Attila.O . eu
Sent: 11 July 2007 11:49
To: charles.gueho@belgacom.be
Subject: Ask for information

Dear Sir,

Is there any development in my case?

Thank you for your kind answer in advance.

Attila O.

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