2008. június 17., kedd

Jönnek a traktorok! (meg a kamionosok és a taxisok is)

Holnapra „zavargás”-t jelentenek a központban. Ezt a tájékoztatót küldte az iskola:


Dear Parents,

As you will be aware, severe traffic disruption is expected in Brussels on Wednesday 18th June 2008, due to various demonstrations involving trucks and agricultural vehicles.

The Secretary General of the European Schools has confirmed this morning that the 4 European schools of Brussels have to remain open. However, if the students cannot come to school because of lack of transport, the absences will not be recorded.

However, if there were to be minor traffic delays on that morning, we would ask parents who have young children doing end of term examinations on Wednesday to allow some extra time for their journey to school on that morning.

We understand if some families wish to keep their youngest children at home.

If any other relevant information becomes available, it will be immediately published on our website http://www.eeb1.eu/

Azaz a gyermekeknek nem számít igazolatlan hiányzásnak, ha holnap nem mennek. Mi nem tartjuk itthon a srácokat, nem tartunk attól, hogy bármilyen zűrbe keverednek. Viszont vannak messzebbről bejárók akiknek különösen ahazamenetel jelenthet gondot, ha az események a múltkorihoz hasonlóan elfajulnak … + most több mint száz teherautó és traktor érkezése is várható, tehát a közlekedési káosz garantált …

A belső weben az alábbi tájékoztató van:

UPDATE Demonstrations June 18th : Major traffic disruption anticipated

Three major demonstrations on 18 June are expected to cause severe traffic disruption all over Brussels. The Brussels police are asking people not to come to Brussels by car on that day.The Schuman area and "petite ceinture" are likely to be partially or entirely closed to traffic for much of 18 June as a result of separate demonstrations by the Walloon federation of farmers and representatives of the transport sector. Today, Brussels' taxi drivers also announced that they would be joining the protests

Both demonstrations will start in the morning and are expected to last several hours. The transport-sector demonstration will enter Brussels by the A12 and pass through Laeken before heading to the "petite ceinture". The agricultural sector demonstration will proceed along the avenue de Tervuren via Montgomery before heading to the Cinquantenaire area.The taxi drivers will begin at 0945 on the boulevard Poincarré and then follow the petite ceinture to place Rogier and will end on boulevard Roi Albert II. As a result of the anticipated disruption, we strongly advise you not to use your car and to use public transport or other means to travel to work in Brussels on Wednesday 18 June. The metro and train stations will remain open but, of course, we may expect some delays to bus and taxi journeys.Please be aware that despite the announced difficulties, Commission services will be fully maintained and staff is expected to be present in the office except for cases of justified absence (sickness, leave, etc.).

We will keep you informed of any new developments or any further advice as this becomes available.

EU Summit

In addition, the local authorities will also establish a reduced security perimeter for the European Summit to be held in the Council building on 19 and 20 June. This security perimeter will be installed as of Wednesday 18 June. As is usual during the Summit, parking will be prohibited and the circulation will be restricted to persons authorised to be within the security perimeter as well as in several adjacent streets. These rules will be strictly applied. The personnel of the institutions working in the area can access it on presentation of their service card of the European Commission.

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