2008. november 24., hétfő

FW: Relocation of the bus-stop without notice - ask for explanation

Szóval a buszosok túlmentek Pannival és Gerivel és írtam egy keresetlen levelet (igyekeztem visszafogni magam).
(este majd bejegyzem részletesen a történteket, csak most gyorsan dobtam ezt az emailt)

    From:   O Attila (TAXUD) 
    Sent:   Monday, November 24, 2008 4:55 PM
    To:     'comité transport'
    Subject:        Relocation of the bus-stop without notice - ask for explanation

    Dear Sir / Madame,

    I was very upset today when I discovered the the bus-stop "AV. J. & P. CARSOEL (arrêt bus public Thevenet)" is not used anymore for the Bus 42, but what is more embarassing is the relocation of the busstop was done without any notice. My children (Panna and Gergely O.) were on the bus today but the driver just went forward and hardly stopped so it was quite difficult for my wife to collect the children - as she was supposed to wait for them at the busstop "AV. J. & P. CARSOEL (arrêt bus public Thevenet)" at 16.21. I just checked on your website (http://www.eeb1.org/fichiers/contenu_fichiers1/461/Listing%20arret%20par%20cp_3-11-08.pdf) and the above mentioned busstop is still there!

    Will you be as kind as to confirm the relocation of the busstop and provide me the location of the new stop or please explain how situation like of today can be avoided (from your side and from our side).

    I would like to also ask you to explain why the driver does not let my five year old son to get on the bus first, but as today did, makes him stop at the door and forces him to let some other girls get on in advance. I must argue with this practice as I do not think this is the proper way and place to educate. You should know that 98% of the time we are the first to be there at the busstop so I can not explain my five year old son why should he let someone pass when he was the first to be there - the concept of politeness to the other gender makes really no sense to him, due to his age. Usually I manage to convince him to let the girls get on first on every second day (regardless of their lateness) but I do not expect your respectful company to interfere with social educational issues outside the bus.

    I am looking forward to your kind response to the above issues.

    Yours sinerely

    Attila O.

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