Már csak azért is érdekes a hír - azon túlmenően, hogy vámosok léptek sztrájkba - mert Ciprus a csatlakozás előtt a Bull intenzív bevonásával vásárolta meg a dán rendszert és adaptálták - állítólag - ciprusi viszonyokra. A hírek szerint, ugyanakkor, a dánok már kidobták a régi rendszerüket (ami 2001-2 körül készült el) és már egy új rendszert használnak. A régi rendszert is a Bull fejlesztette ... kíváncsi vagyok mi lesz Lengyelországban és néhány balti államban, ugyanis ott is a Bull vezetésével fejlesztették a csatlakozási előtti rendszereket.
Itt van viszont egy netes hír, ami megerősíti a fentieket:
Customs officials go on strike By Alexia Saoulli
FRUSTRATED over ongoing problems with the Customs and Excises computerisation system, Limassol and Larnaca port customs officials yesterday called a 24-hour work stoppage.Designed to consolidate and enhance the performance of Customs, the Theseas’ computerisation project has been a bone of contention between staff and the government since its implementation almost five years ago.Having had enough, over 200 customs officials went on strike starting at 7.30am yesterday. By lunchtime, reports said hundreds of containers of cargo had not been examined. Speaking to reporters at Limassol port yesterday morning, Cyprus Customs Officers’ Association president Demetris Panayiotou said the authorities had been completely indifferent regarding the problem of a “million pound system that since 2003 has only been a bother to customs officers and the commercial world”.Panayiotou did not rule out the possibility of calling an indefinite strike if the issue was not immediately addressed. He said how to proceed would be discussed at an extraordinary Association meeting to be held in the coming days.“If the system is not fixed by next Wednesday, we will call an extraordinary meeting and host a general strike indefinitely,” he warned.Panayiotou said the system should be assessed by third parties but that so far no one cared to do so. “We were repeatedly promised it would be fixed and we showed understanding,” he said. So far no one in authority had come up with a solution and everyone involved had showed complete indifference, he said.He also expressed the officials’ resentment at being blamed for not knowing how to use the system instead of having it fixed.“When the system used to jam they said we were useless… It is hard to clear goods when you’re angry and stressed,” he added.Senior Customs and Excises Department officer Christodoulos Hadjichristodoulou admitted the system was problematic and often malfunctioned, but said it was not the department’s responsibility. Instead, the Department of Information Technology Services was the competent authority to provide the necessary technical support.“It is nothing to do with us,” he said.He added that the malfunctioning system not only caused problems for the public but also made more work for the department itself, as it had carry out procedures by hand, incurring huge administrative costs when the information had to be passed on to the computer at a later date.According to the Department of Customs and Excises, the Theseas Computerisation System automates the processing of customs import declarations and, in so doing, captures data, which – together with other information – can be used to support customs controls based on risk analysis, profiling and targeting. The implementation controls initiated through the Theseas project are based on risk analysis factors with all risk profiles defined and fed into the system and regularly updated, the department said.
Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2007
Forrás: http://www.cyprus-mail.com/news/main.php?id=36925&cat_id=1
2 megjegyzés:
Amikor Magyaroroszágon bevezették az új feldolgozó rendszert, az sem ment zökkenőmentesen, sőt. Hja, azok a daliás idők ... :)
Sőt, ha még azt is hozzátesszük, hogy a bevezetést megelőző fejlesztéshez a tisztelt, magas Ministerium a legfontosabbat nem biztosította: az időt akkor egyenesen csodaszámba ment, hogy működött ... bár május 21-én a Miniszterelnök meglkáttogata a Száva utcai ojjektumot és éppenhogy nem occigént vitt hanem vett ... csak megköszönni tudom kollégáimnak mindazt a munkát (és családomnak a türelmet és kitartást) amit akkor végeztünk, az akadályoztatás ellenére is olyan rendszert sikerült kiépíteni, mely jelenleg - nagy biztonbsággal állíthatom, hogy - Európa legjobb feldolgozó rendszere.
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