2008. február 5., kedd

FW: Warning

Az alábbi üzenetet kaptam egy listán keresztül:

Dear ...,

I have just been informed few minutes ago that gang is very active since last week in the Bois de la Cambre and have already operated many car-jackings.

More precisely, they are attacking cars waiting at the traffic lights at the first exit to avenue Churchill and maybe second to Avenue Defray. They break the window on passenger side, steal the handbags and run into the forest.

Maybe you could disseminate the information to our staff in Directorate X and send an information to [...] warn people. I guess that many people are passing by this place everyday. The last attack reported to me was last Monday.

Many thanks [...]

Azaz valamiféle banda garázdálkodik a közeli erdőben, akik a lámpánál álló autók utasoldali ablakát betörve kilopják az autóból a táskát és elfutnak az erdőbe. Jó lesz vigyázni!

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