2008. október 22., szerda

Új pályázat a láthatáron

Ez találtam ma az Intraneten:

Please note that DG ADMIN intends to launch internal competitions, specifically designed for
temporary agents and officials coming from the 10 new Member States only (Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia).
You can either apply for
Head of Unit AD-9
Head of Unit AD12.
However you need to opt for just one of these options.
You can apply if:
You are in activity or in some other specific administrative status at the Commission
at the deadline to registration,
If you have been in the Commission for 6 months between 01/01/2006 and 31/12/2008
(12 months for Heads of Unit posts)
If you fulfil the standard requirements in terms of diplomas and professional
experience for the grade.
The competitions will be launched early November by an Administrative Notice and the test
standards will be those of a normal general competition (3 rounds: admission tests, written
and oral exams).
DG ADMIN plans to have the laureate reserve lists published by June 2009, valid until
31/12/*2010. The number of candidates per reserve lists will be limited to:
170 AST-1,
100 AST-3,
230 AD-5,
20 AD-9 Heads of Unit
30 AD-12 Heads of Unit laureates,
This corresponds to roughly 65% of the current temporary agents from the 10 new Member
States in the Commission.
If you pass a competition and you are a temporary agent in that grade, you can be
established a permanent official if your DG requests this.
If you pass to a higher grade (or to Head of Unit) than the one you currently occupy,
you will have to find a vacant post.
Please note this is only for your information. The official notification will be published in
the Administrative Notice.
Jean-Louis Vergnolle
Head of Unit Human Resources

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